120 Check

Was it done right? Obtain information from the customer and the organisation to measure and monitor performance.

Deming’s Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle, also known as the Deming Cycle or Shewhart Cycle, is a management and continuous improvement methodology. It consists of four stages: Plan, Do, Check, and Act. In the context of the construction industry, each stage of the PDCA cycle plays a crucial role in ensuring that projects are planned, executed, monitored, and improved effectively.

3. Check:
The “Check” phase involves monitoring and evaluating the results of the “Do” phase. In the construction industry, this includes inspecting the construction work, assessing the quality of deliverables, and comparing actual progress against the planned benchmarks. Key aspects of the “Check” phase include:

Quality Assurance: Evaluate the quality of the construction work and compare it against predefined standards and specifications.

Performance Measurement: Assess the project’s progress, comparing actual results with the planned objectives and timelines.

Issue Identification: Identify any deviations from the plan, potential problems, or areas for improvement.

The “Check” phase provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of the implemented plans and allows for adjustments as needed.

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